Optimized Web Site Package


Web Design + SEO

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Design a website with SEO in mind. Build an optimized site from the get-go by incorporating SEO strategies throughout the web design process.

Web Design – Up to 4 Pages (Example: Home, Services, About Us, Contact)

  • Business website
  • Personal website
  • Institutional website
  • E-commerce website
  • Membership Website

Please contact us for other specific types of websites.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization

  • SEO Plan
  • Keyword Research
  • Site Registration and Directories
  • On-page Optimization
  • Off-page Optimization
  • SEO Writing
If you’re unsure which service or package to choose, please book a free consultation with us to discuss which would best fit your needs.
Email us at contact@glancewebsolutions.com or head over to our contact page.



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